Altimeter: Alti 1, Alti 2,QFE and temporary altitude, -1600 to 20000FT above sea level
Barometer: QNH 905 to 1070hPa
Variometer: analogue display with two ranges. First range up to ± 3m/s (± 6 x 100 FPM approx.). Second range up to ± 6m/s (± 12 x 100 FPM approx.). Numerical value up to ± 19.9m/s (± 29.9 x 100 FPM approx.).
Audible variometer: Choice of 4 different climbing sounds (Climb rate dependent tone interval with pitch variation) or continuous tone with rate-dependent pitch. Special sink sounds (Aircotec sink sound(patent)). Sink alarm
Airspeed indicator: By propeller-driven sensor up to 120km/h ( 75MPH approx.).
Fixed takeoff location altitude: for 5 takeoff locations
Peak value memory: 5 last flights (Circular buffer memory), and 9 for the most interesting flights (Fixed memory)
Stop watch: Storage in hours and minutes up to 20 hours (19:59).